Saturday, August 18, 2007

Open invitation.

Hey! Before you know it, we'll have been living in New York for a year. Yes, one year. Hmmm. And let me count how many people from across the big pond have come to visit? Uh, yeah. Lemme see. Oh. That's right. NONE.
Come on people, you have a free place to stay in New York City. It takes 10 minutes at the most to get to midtown Manhattan on the subway. You could throw dollar bills out of the window just for fun with the way the Euro is at the moment. What are you waiting for?
Well, before I get myself in trouble, let me make some ground rules. We have to know you and like you before you can come stay with us. You can't just be a fan of the blog or a friend of a friend of a friend or something. This might seem obvious, but you would be surprised how people you don't know invite themselves to crash on your couch when you live in New York City.
Also, please come in pairs. A trio would work, but it will be a little crazy. More than three is probably against the New York City fire code or something.
Anyway, I really miss all of you from Sao Miguel and hope to see you next summer! Or before that, if you want to come for a visit. Wink wink.
And where are my brothers?? I am sure that they can break some poor American girls' hearts within a week.
Ok. That's it. It's an open invitation and we hope to see you soon!


Nuno said...

Só um parágrafo para confirmar o convite e dizer que a Jennifer tem realmente razão: dadas as dimensões do nosso apartamento, mais do que três ao mesmo tempo pode ser complicado. Já um trio de visitante significa que um deles terá de dormir no chão. Mas também se arranja, se for preciso. Um par será o ideal, desde que não se importem de partilhar o mesmo sofá-cama, e, claro está, visitantes em nome individual serão também bem-vindos. Portanto, organizem-se, se fazem favor.

subassus said...

em princípio próximo verão apareço por esses lados...

se for sozinho a jennifer tem a missão de arranjar-me companhia...

se for acompanhado, agrada-me a ideia do trio e não me importo de ficar no meio delas no sofá-cama... ;P

Anonymous said...

Obrigado pelo convite!
Penso que será aceite após a minha pequenina ter mais Idade.
Andre...Andre... quantas vezes já te disse que para um Faustino sao no minimo 4. Quando é que aprendes???


subassus said...

só a partir dos 30 é que a raça faustino tem direito a 4... ainda não cheguei lá... ;)

Jennifer said...

Well, my dear brother. I know a girl who LOVES Portuguese men. But I can not promise that she will be available NEXT summer. Therefore, the sooner, the better.